Too much board...

Had a go yesterday in some sandbar waves, was fun out but I had too much board with me. Would have ducked and got covered up but could not risk snapping off the front six feet of noserider. I saw a few waist sets come through and chose the noser, bad call. Would have been fun on the fish instead of worrisome on the log. Some days are like that.
Almost paddled this am but the cold was a bit much for 2' sloppy leftovers. It was huge outside and the BB looked like a hurricane was sitting offshore....

Otherwise, laminating the longboard today, deck and bottom...I will shoot some pics as I go. This is the board for Christmas. I am not worried about getting it done, with the weather being what it is, getting it to Portland might be out of the question.
Its fun to just shape a normal old school log. Slight belly, upturned rails the last third, no concave. I did the blank in two hours.
Two hours.
My first took six at least.
Lets see how the lam goes.

Anyway, thats it on the retro front.
See ya.

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