
Hoping to catch the Mysto today, big tide, some swell, should be...happening.
Have this Gerry SUP in.
Lets talk about embodied energy.
First, ship blank to Bend.
Shape blank.
Box blank, send to LA.
Glass blank.
Bag and send back to Bend.
Bend to Coos Bay.
It hasn't hit the water yet and it has 2000 miles on it.
Lots of energy.
And it was expensive.
And it was damaged while doing all of this traveling.
Thats why its here.

I aint whining, just saying that this much energy into one board is crazy.

Nico, who is the cutest little to shape and color a blank...well, you know how parents are, very competitive...
Here is Stella and her blank and art....
It started when I brought a blank up to show a friend, left it in the living room much too close to both Stella and her art supplies....
Ya got yer SpongeBob Crew, ya got some manta Ray and some fishies, some odd phonetic writing and of course, the Sea.
Hmmm, do I see a union in the future?
And of course, no logo....

Well, thats it for me.
The Mini 5'8" gets its skin today, gray bottom, red deck.
I think.

See ya.

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