
An emergency camping trip...first heading southward and then...because there was no surf...and we had family camped out up at Cougar Hot Springs...we left to the Springs in a hurry...but an hour from Cougar we learned that the Family was actually up above Oakridge...but we got lucky and found a camp spot anway, on a Friday night, Memorial Day Weekend...right near some full on Valley Big Truck flat-billers...who liked their music really loud....but its wasn't speed metal....till around 11 pm...but that stopped at they could play with their guns...the springs were closed anyway till we packed up and hit the springs and then hauled ass home because the Valley does really suck...only to come home to 40 knots of wind (thats from the Valley sucking so hard) and 2' swell...but, hey, there is always the skatepark...but I don't own any skate type tennis shoes...but that didn't stop me so we three hit Myrtle Point...and didn't get beat up by the little kids...but I did have to run out of a sticker hit near the top of the bowl and did some nasty foot slapping on the way down...thats ok, the blisters I was already getting padded my feet...came home to find red trim getting painted on my windows...wife was hard at thanks Dear, you go ahead...RW was here house sitting Friday and Saturday...and waiting for one 'special' piece of special...he cleaned my ENTIRE house because he is caring and thoughtful and this chick was we bailed out to the Aunts place so he could get his...but man, my house is clean...thats one cool brother there...I wish I had his energy...gonna leave out some paint and some windows and lumber for his next board colors came out not so bueno so we start another one today because there is NO FUCKING SURF....anywhere...I know because my spies have already looked from one end of Oregon to the other...and I have been up seen 0500 staring at the Camel Rock cam and wishing I was closer to thats my weekend in a nutshell...and I still have today to go...where is my BONG?!!???

lmao...see ya.

1 comment:

Surfsister said...

Did you even take a breath while you were typing that? I got lost somewhere around the part with the guys with the loud music and guns.