I stayed out anyway, the board was wiggly but the damage was already done.
Had it mostly uncrowded though a few stragglers showed up only to hear "I am glad you weren't here an hour ago..."

Stella has her farm going...
One parakeet
One Mini Rex
Two Panda Hamsters
8 chickens
4 cats
One fat dog
And we are looking for a goat...
Crystal says no more critters but since when do we listen to her?
Also scored a Sundance Spa for free off of CL...90.00 in wiring and we were soaking by 5 pm Sunday...it sold for 4800.00 new in 2003.
Octoberfish, a benefit for the foodbank has been canceled this year...sucks because I was going to build a board for the raffle.
I was recently asked to help start up a band...a gypsy kind of Cabaret thing...but I opted out after one get together, I don't like being stuck on one instrument and would rather play my flutes or mandolin these days.
But I might look into getting a band together for a winter type project.
Maybe not.
Well, some surf today for me later with any luck.
Um...thats it I guess.
Be kind.
See ya.
Hey Tony can I get the board I bought from you?
Hey! I was wondering where you went!
Its all finished up and has been sitting, email me at the gmail address!
(my other email is dead...)
LOL no wonder you didn't hit me back on my emails. What's your email now?
My phone was in Brookings, I have no numbers and its a long story but...
The picture is reminiscent of the blurry picture that is supposed to be of Bigfoot . . . but worse!
I think its a sea lion...
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