Till Rambler Jr. takes to the waves.
First, where do you put it?
Six inches up from the tail, I was going to go seven but decided to keep the pivot fin option closer to traditional.
Taped it off, dremel with a small blade...here is the glass peeling up, its down pretty good but still fresh enough not to tear foam.
Some guys have a plunge router and a jig.
I can build a guitar so a hammer and chisel are all I need...
I didn't get pics of the glass fabric going in...
Tinted red resin to match the pinlines.
Here ya go.
10 minutes, start to finish.
Here is some shit I found on the beach after that Gale the other day...

Most of it I can use...the nylon gator would be nice on my squeegee arm, the coffee? Every one needs coffee. A small toy boat...give it to Stella and tell her its a shipwreck. Ear plugs? Sure, I have a planer that sounds like a friggin' airplane on meth.
A fishing float...cat toy!
Small bobber? Cat toy!
Reduce, reuse and scrounge.
See ya, off to check the surf type stuff, like waves.
1 comment:
Initially I thought you found:
A surfboard in a board bag
A skateboard deck
An industrial size bag of Folgers
And the rest of the dhit I didn't care about
word verification = scoreses
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